Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Name Game Giveaway

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who entered. This giveaway is now closed. I am combing through all of your wonderful suggestions and trying to figure out which of the great names calls to me! I'll post soon our winner(s)!
Well, it's giveaway day here - as hosted by Sew Mama Sew! I'm really excited about the giveaway, and I promise, it's in this post, but first humor me for a very short story.
For my 24th birthday, my parents gave me my first sewing machine. Up until then, I'd only used my mother's when I was at home. But as I had just graduated with my Master's and was moving to Boston for my first job, getting to that machine was going to prove difficult. Armed with now much more free time (no more required readings, no more papers), I decided I wanted to take up quilting/sewing. So with my new trusty sewing machine and a Better Homes and Garden book on quilting, I gave it a whirl.

Immediately, I was hooked and me and my sewing machine have bonded over the years. As I was working on my giveaways on her, I came to realize that unlike pretty much everything else I own my sewing machine doesn't have a name...which just won't do. (On a side note...my car's name is Dr. Talbot, which is a story for another time, but does involve a late night infomercial and a cat) .

Thus brings me to my giveaway.
To enter, what you need to do is this...tell me your name, where you're from, which of the three giveaway items you like best and suggest a name for my sewing machine.

Entries will close on Sunday, May 31st around 10 am-ish EST (or whenever I can get myself out of bed!). I'll pick my favorite name, christen my sewing machine with it and the winner will receive their favorite of my giveaways. Everyone else's name will go into a drawing to win the remaining gifts!

Here are your choices of giveaway items (the colors aren't great - I took these fairly late at night, which means no natural light!)...

Patriotic Table Runner (in honor of Memorial Day just past and 4th of July coming up)

Flower Power Purse

Black, White and Red All Over Bag & Coin Purse

And to tempt you even more, I just recently went to a quilt store garage sale, and picked up bunches of fun things for future giveaways - so become a follower if you want to get in on some more upcoming giveaways!


  1. I think Betty would be a good name for your machine - it seems like a nice, reliable, trustworthy name - and that is what my sewing machine is for me!

    I love the FlOwEr POwEr purse - great job!!

  2. Oh my goodness!! I must have that flower power purse!! I am smitten!

    I'm Robin from Hertford, NC...I would LOVE that flower power purse...and I think Master Ruggles would be a good name :) That way it reminds you that you got it after you got your masters degree and the ruggles is for a subway stop in boston...I had to think of something! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay Vivienne is the name for this machine, I can feel it! And when you pick me because this is the perfect name . . . Hello Viv! . . . I would love the Flower Purse! ;)

  5. I am Heidi from RI, and I love the black and white and red all over bag & coin purse.

    I think you should name your machine Madeline, after Madeleine Kahn, an actress from Boston.

  6. I think Sophie is a good name for the machine! And I would love to get the black/red purse set!

    Thanks so much!
    Kandra from Arkansas ;)

  7. All sewing machines should be named Tallulah. I feel strongly about that. --ginger. from Morro Bay. (And I love that flower/paisley tote. So cute.)

  8. Awww, I love people that name random things. Our tree we just planted is named Carl. I would have to say Bobbi -- cute, fun, a friend to all.

    Thanks for the chance!

  9. I would have named my first machine "winky" because sometimes I had to wink at him to get him to sew with proper tension. Your machine looks like a Sally. Your Sal Pal.

    I would love to win the red.white and black bag you and Sally made.

  10. Love that flower power bag! I partial to the name Penelope, myself. :o)

  11. Millsie Machine...a cute little name :) I love all three of your items...I think I would choose the runner!

  12. The name: Molly Rocket! Sewing machines are like Rock stars, and they should have big names! My machine is a singer 66. It's called the "genie" but the name I gave it was "go girl" I love the flower purse. You have inspired me to blog about my very old, reliable machine.... when the giveaway is over, that will be my next post!

  13. how about bella.
    yeah. bella.
    {or clary.}
    that's my vote. {well votes.}

    i like the runner or the flower bag.

  14. the flower power bag is awesome!!

  15. I love the table runner (even though I'm french!) !!


  16. I like the name Lila for your machine. It seems sweet, like it wouldn't give you too much trouble :)

    I can't decide between the flower power bag or the red and black bag. If I win can you surprise me?

  17. I know it's cheesy, but you should just call it Lovie. I fell in love with my sewing machine too, just recently. My name is Amanda, I am from OHIO, and I LOVE the flower power purse! Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. I think Sophie is a good name for your new machine. She looks hard working, but fun.
    I like the flower power bag. How cute is that argyle?

  19. I like the flower power purse. How about Adelaide. You can call her Addy for short :)

  20. Hi, this is Sue from Niagara Falls, NY.
    I love the table runner, so perfect for the upcoming season!

    My suggestion would be Sally, so you can sally forth through all your sewing projects.

    Sue Cahill (sboetsue at yahoo dot com)

  21. Hi, i'm Stephanie from San Diego, CA...she looks like an "Adeline". It means "Noble". Thanks for the giveaway :)

  22. This is Stephanie from Maine. LOVE the Flower Power Purse!! How about calling your machine Mr. Crafty?

  23. I love the flower power purse. As for a name.. I would go with Mrs. Snicket.

  24. I think her name should be Lilac.
    I love the runner, it is so pretty!

  25. My name is Kaye, I'm from Toronto (Ontario, Canada) and think you should name your machine Maisie (it just sounds right to me).
    I would love to win the black, white and red bag and coin purse!

  26. NO!...or Mrs. No to those not well aquainted with her (your machine). That's what my machine should be named at least because that's what I say to her the most. Incidently her name is Roxy...you could use that too.

    Love the argyle!

  27. Don't use this as an entry but I forgot to mention that I'm entering from BOSTON!!

  28. Hi! I'm Em from Wake Forest, NC. I'm thinking your sewing machine should be named Bertha! I don't know why.... I just think it should. I love both purses, but flower power just pops and catches my eye!

  29. I'd name her Janelle.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hi, I am Tara from Tennessee. My daughter really likes your flower power purse. I think you should name your sewing machine Elenor.

  32. Hi- I am tricia - from St. Louis. - I love the flower purse and I think you should name your machine Pete. there is a girl that my sitter watches and she has a TON of dolls, and eveyrtime I ask her what the dolls name is, she says Pete... so, if pete can be a boy or a girl. pete can be a sewing machine!

  33. I love the black, white and red purse. About Miss Daisy.

  34. Hi! I'm Shawn from WA state. And I love the flower power purse. I like the name Fiona, because I like Irish names :)

  35. Hello! Michele from Florida. I think you should name your machine Miz Myrtle.

  36. Hi! I am Bethany and I live just outside of Atlanta, GA. I am so bad at naming things. I think the greatest name I have come up with in a with is Skotia which means darkness, but could be a cool name for a white sewing machine!
    What a wonderful giveaway! First I saw the table runner and thought wow that is really pretty. Then I saw the flower power purse and was blown away. I have some of the flower fabric that I have been hording not knowing exactly how I wanted to use it. That bag is my favorite of your three giveaway items.

  37. Stella -- meaning is star and your sewing machine is a star! I love the black bag set. Thanks for the chance to enter your draw.

  38. Hello from New Jersey! Since you are Gnomemade maybe your machine should be called Gnomer or The Gnomenator. Just a thought.

  39. It's too bad it's not a serger--you could call it Sergio....but maybe "trundle" as a throw back to the sewing machines of yester year.
    Oh what do I know! Call it FRED! :)

    my name is Kelly and i live in Canada. I love the black white and red all over bag!

  40. I'm Becky from Utah, and I love either of the purses! I would name your machine Stitch.

  41. Wow that's a hard choice because I like them all! I suppose I'll go with the Flower Power purse though.

  42. You could call it 'Mama' then when you're sewing you could urge it on with 'sew mama, sew', and be inspired to do more giveaways!

    I love both the bags - but I think the black & red one is my fave.

  43. I like the name "Sassy" It's a tough choice, but I like the flower power the best!

  44. Some name ideas:


    I like Flower Power the best, but I like everything.

  45. I like the flower power. I use my sewing machine to make things that are useful and / or nice to look at. I have watched the Tinker Bell movie lately and so inspires the name I choose.
    Tinker Fairy, Tinker Bell, or just Tink

  46. HI
    Im from the Gold Coast/Australia (although oringally from New Zealand)

    I love the flower purse, and BERTHA was the name that jumped out at me as soon as I saw your machine (Before I even read that you needed a name for it!!)

  47. hi, i'm from arizona originally.

    i love the flower purse!

    for some reason i was thinking betsy or bertha, but i saw that others wrote the same! maybe susan.

  48. Jenny from Wisconsin
    flower power purse
    Creative Cat!

  49. I just asked my 5 year old and she likes the name...Lucy! There ya have it!
    I love the flower power purse and the runner! So adorable!

  50. Ruby because she is such a jewel in your life!

    I like all three but the flower power purse is just adorable.

    Stop by my blog and register in my giveaways. :)

  51. I love the flower bag and I think Talula (am I spelling that right?)

  52. I think Helga would be a good name for your sewing machine. And I love the flower bag.

    Thanks for the great giveaway, if I am the lucky winner, you can contact me through my website www.radseams.com.

  53. Olivia most definately for your machine.
    I love the flower power bag!
    Jaime from so-cal.

  54. Hi, I'm Anya from Wellsboro, PA.
    I love the flower power purse.

    Since you've "bonded" with your machine, how about giving her the name of one of the Bond girls in the 007 movies? Or do they not have names? Only known as "Bond girls"?

  55. I love the flower power purse!! I think you should name her Bathsheba cuz every time you look on her you sin in your heart!

  56. Roger :) I'm Marguerite, and I love both the bags, maybe the red and black one better.

  57. I love your bags. I would choose prize #2.

    My name is Pam and I live in Ontario, Canada. Be sure to drop by my blog and enter to win the giveaway that I am hosting!

  58. I think Mabel would be a lovely name!

    The giveaway is great. I'd go with no.3.

  59. oh the flower power purse!!! LOVE it.
    i'm in western mass.


    name the machine ZIP!

  60. I love the Flower Power bag!

    I think you should call your machine Henry. (Why are all sewing machines assumed to be women?)

  61. I live in Moncks Corner, SC and just love the red, white and black all over bag set ( I just cut out a quilt using those colors) I suggest you call your machine Tailor/Taylor since it will be tailoring so many things with your help.

  62. The sewing machine looks like a Becky to me...
    Your flower purse is super cute!

    Katie B.

  63. Your machine is definitely Saddie, the Lady!!! lol I love the projects you have done, especially the flower power bag! Keep up the good work!

  64. The flower power bag would be my pick - the fabric matches an apron my mother gave me. I think your machine should be called "Bobbin". Beautiful sewing! Have fun with your new toy! :)

  65. Beautiful stuff! I love the Flower Power bag. How about 'Patches' for a name? Or 'Muse' or even 'Voila!'!!

  66. Mr. Beatrix, because the name speaks to me! Hehehe what a fun giveaway! I love both bags, especially the flower power bag - you do wonderful work!


  67. I love the Flower Power Purse....is Stitches to corny of a name? I think it is simple, poetic and funny!!!



  68. That flower power bag is TOOOOO me!

    Let's see... a name for your machine....

    My husband suggests Bob. LOL! How about Bobin?

  69. Hi I am Maren and I am from Northern California. I love the flower power purse and how about the name Martha.

  70. I think that either Boston or Lavender would be good names - what can I say, I go for the obvious and easy to remember when I name things. :-p I love your bags, especially the flower power one!

  71. I'm Tanya, from California. I love your Flower Power bag. I think you should name her Posey, Purple Posey after her purple trim. LOL

  72. I think you should name her Henrietta. I have a featherweight and that is her name and it would be nice if she had a "sister machine" named after her.

    I like the Flower Power Purse.


  73. I would name her Aphrodite after the Greek Goddess, she is the Goddess of beauty and love, which if you are quilting then you are putting a lot of love into your creations and creating a beautiful masterpiece. She's also the Goddess of lust but I don't know how that would work... your sewing machine wants/needs to have more fabric, therefore it lusts after the rich and beautiful fabrics you will be presenting it.

    Well anyways, thanks for the giveaway, I really like the table runner.

    Thanks for doing the giveaway!
    Cassie Driver

  74. Fabulous! How about Deborah which mean industrious.

  75. Hmm, she seems like a Caroline to me. My sewing machine is named Hortense. I'm definately a namer of inanimate objects too!

  76. I must have the flower power purse. The name should be Nellie.

  77. I love the flower power purse. Old Faithful is kinda boring. How about Buckwheat? It's the name of my first sheep. :)

  78. Love the Black, White and Red All Over Bag & Coin Purse! How about Patch or ZigZag ):P

  79. Beth...Warrenville, IL... Whirly Girl? (cause you decided to "give it a whirl") - and I love the flower power purse!

  80. I like the Flower Power Purse!

    As for a name - I think it should be a very Gnome-tastic name, don't you? Gnomes have silly names, kinda llike the Dwarves.

    Mr WinkleBottom?

  81. I Love the Flower Power Purse!

    How about Trooper? (It's my dog's name...) and your machine looks like she fits the name too!

  82. I think stella would be such a sweet name!

  83. My husband thinks you should call your machine "Stitchy" I thought that was cute!

    I would love the patriotic table runner, but your fabric choices for the bags are gorgeous as well!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  84. Hi there ... Im Nicole from Temecula, CA... loving the Flower Power Purse. SO CUTE!! As for a name... Ms. Sassy!!

  85. Hi! I'm Deb from Melbourne, Australia and I love the black, white and red bag and coin purse. The name "Gladys" popped into my head...not sure why. Maybe because I think someone named Gladys would be dependable, hard working and sturdy...how I like my sewing machines.

  86. Betsy - sounds reliable! I love the flower power bag!

  87. Hmmm...I don't think my comment showed up. I pick Betsy for Betsy Ross who became famous for her sewing. Just look at all the fame your sewing as brought you through this blog alone!!! My goodness you have a lot of comments.
    Teresa in SC.

  88. Oh dear, I had decided that Betsy would be a nice name but then I came to the comment section and see that the two people ahead of me also chose that. So.... in order to be original (though I didn't read all the comments so it might not be) how about "Dorcas" who was a seamstress in the Bible. (Her other name was Tabitha if you like that better.)
    By the way my name is Abbi and I am from Northern MN and I like the Flower Power Bag.

  89. That machine is obviously named Mrs Potts. I don't know why - she just says it is. I think she might have a crush on Dr Talbot, btw - but don't let her know that I spilled the beans!! ;)

    Me, I'm Zarah and I live in Sweden. I'm a follower through Google Reader! :D

    If I won, I'd LOVE the black/white/red set. These are SO my colours! :D

  90. Hey I'm Steph from Sydney and I like the flower power purse!!

    I think you should call her after a stitch... Like Ziggy... hehe

    We're having a give away too...

    xo Steph

  91. I love the flower power purse!!!

    I'd call her "trusty"

  92. I adore the flower power purse!!! And I think the name Ms. Betsy suit the machine, I don't know why I just do!

  93. hum, let's see...
    I remember the grrek mythology with "white armed Hellen" (because of the wite white skin of her amrs)
    So your machine could be "silver foot Hellen" or, to mention my favourite : "Flower Power Hellen" (aka FPH !)

  94. All three are lovely but I would adore the flower power bag so much. I have a few names. How about 'Stella Dallas'. Or 'My Man Godfrey'. Can you tell I love black and white movies from the 30s and 40s? Such a cutie pie sewing machine. My mom still hasn't forgiven me for breaking (I have no idea how) her sewing machine the very first time I used it. But now I have a Bernina and she wants to borrow my sewing machine. Not a chance! I'm in the USA.


  95. I vote Princess Aurora.

    All your work is lovely but I particularly love the black white and red all over bag. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!

  96. I would name her Gretchen! I would love to win either the flower tote or the table runner, thanks!

  97. I was going to suggest Horace but then saw your machine is a girl so how about Horatia???? ;-)

  98. I love everything, but my fave is the flower power purse.

    I think Audrey is a good name for a sewing machine. It sounds like the name of a good friend.

  99. Definitely Myrtle. And I love the flower power one. :) Thanks for the chance to win!


  100. Hi! I'm Stephanie from Greensboro, NC. I think you should name your sewing machine BOBBIN. I love the patriotic table runner!

  101. Hi, Katie from Indiana here. Name your sewing machine Sista Sue. "Hey, Sista Sue, let's sew something today!" Cheesy, mabye a little but I like it!

  102. I love your blog name :)

    To me, that machine has a decidedly masculine air, but he seems a bit proper too, maybe a little hoity toity. I'm thinking Cedric. No, Sir Cedric. Sir Cedric Attlesborough.

    (I've named all of my paper punches. Hubert gets the most use. He knows he's the preferred punch, and he has the large ego to show for it!)

  103. Misty from Dallas and I love both of the bags. Would probably pick the flower power bag. I would name the sewing machine Herman. I don't have names for anything except my favorite lens (i'm a photographer). A client of mine named her Suri.

  104. Love those bags, and I think you should name your machine something that you don't mind cursing at when you break a needle ;) I know I am often yelling at my machine, since it is clearly the machine's fault when a mistake is made! Maybe Joe?

  105. I love the flower power bag...and the black, white and red all over bag...I am so into handmade bags right now and yours are especially delightful! We have a tradition of naming sewing machines after our grandmothers...so mine is Mary Jean after my two grandmothers...so I would suggest using one or both of your grandmother's names to name your machine!

  106. PS Gnomemade is my fave blog name eva!!!

  107. I am from Massachusetts and I love the flower power bag! As for your machine - Pearl. That's just what I saw when I looked at her. But, if you think you will be yelling at it a lot you may want to go with something more like....oh, I don't know....George. LOL!

  108. My name is B, I live in Canada. I love your flower power bag and will promise to use it until it falls apart if it comes to my house. And I think you should name your machine Lolita. Every sewing machine needs a spicy name.

  109. I think Miss Susie would be a good name for your machine! Maybe I need to name my machine now . .

    I think I would like your table runner. It looks great!

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. I think your lovely machine should be named Sewphie Sage McBobbin.

    I adore your Flower Power bag (and would love to call it MY Flower Power bag!)

    hugs from ON, Canada

  112. Definitely the Black, White and Red All Over purse - LOVE it! I think you should call your machine Sassy for the hint of purple.
    Susan G

  113. My name is Candice. I'm from Missouri. It was a hard choice, but I would love the table runner. It is so pretty and I adore seasonal items. For a name I'm going to suggest Chloe. I don't know why but it popped out to me.

  114. I love your flower power purse - it is adorable! As for your sewing machine how about Bay-Madeira? Why that you ask! Well I met a lady today who called her daughter Bay-Madeira after the place I am guessing rarther than the cake. It is a pretty unusual name - unique in fact and I just wanted to share :-) Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely giveaway!

  115. sewing Machine Name how about Mr.Stitch in two
    That Black and red purse is... soo me :) thanks for the chance

  116. I'm Shelley from northern Maine. My preference would be the table runner...very nice use of color and pattern. A name for your machine:
    Martha - for the Martha of the Bible who was the hard worker, yet ever faithful.

  117. I'm Amanda from Kentucky, and I'm partial to the Patriotic table runner. I do so love to name my stuff. For instance, my Buick was Ethel and my Kitchen Aid mixer is Grace Kelly (cuz she's so dang lovely and classic). I'd probably go with Gladys or Mabel for your machine... can you tell I like old-fashioned names? :) Congrats on your masters, too!
    Thanks for the offer!!

  118. My name is Sarah and I'm from Seattle, WA. I love the Bag and Coin Purse! I think you should name your new machine "Sylph," which goes along wiht your blog name, "Gnomemade." A sylph is (in folklore) one of a race of supernatural beings supposed to inhabit the air. Fun!

  119. I'm June from Ohio....love the table runner and think ya should name your machine Matilda! LOL!
    Thanks for offering a giveaway!

    rubyjunes @ verizon . net

  120. LOVE the flower power purse...as for your machine's name...I'm gonna say Beth..."Beth I hear you calling"


  121. First my pick is the black, white, and red all over - she's lovely!

    Now for the name, my 16 year old daughter just got out of the hospital from an emergency appendectomy. She and I were both anxious as the surgeon entered the room to talk to us just before she was wheeled out. It was very quiet in the room until he introduced himself - Dr. Niblet! She and I both held it together until he left the room, but completely lost it when he left. We were laughing so hard that we forgot about being so anxious. She and her friends are still talking about Dr Niblet! It's such a funny name I think it would make you smile every time you mention it and isn't that what we all need, another reason to smile?

  122. I love the Black, White and Red All Over Bag & Coin Purse. They are gorgeous!!!
    My name is Eliane and I am from Brazil (far, far away =D). I think Violet would be a great name to your machine.

  123. Hi there! My name is Marie and I'm in too-sunny-Florida. My sewing machine name suggestions or super cheesy but here goes: tried and true "Betsy", and "stitch" (for the disney fans out there).
    My first pick of your 3 offerings would be the patriotic table runner- peeeeerty!


  124. Hi my name is Karen and I'm from Southern California. I love to quilt too! My favorite item is the second bag. Those flowers just get me! My suggestion for your sewing machine name is The Gnomemobile! In the movie they sing "We're traveling along on the gnomemobile, the gnomemobile..." Whenever I sew and make quilts, I travel away to sewing land and don't think about anything else. It's a great relaxing activity for me when live gets busy or stressful. Anyway, I thought it fit! Thanks for the opportunity!

  125. I'd call her Eloise. The flower power purse is my favorite

  126. I love the flower power purse. Also, I think Bella is a great name for your machine because it makes beautiful things (bella means beautiful in Italian).

  127. Great giveaway! I'm Susan from Pennsylvania.

    A name for your machine..."Sew of the Daughter"?

  128. Whenever I think of naming something, I've wanted to use the name Gertrude. I don't know why. I just got a stand mixer and named "her" June (the color is Martha Stewart Blue, and I just thought June fit...for June Cleaver, and because it is a summery color). My first car's name was Bradley. I have no idea why, my best friend just though it was a "hot boy" name so my car needed it. ANYHOW.....awesome giveaway. I really like the Black and White and Red all over bag. Such great stuff. I think I'm going to start following you too. I am excited to see what else you produce!

  129. I love the table runner. I think you should name your machine Betsy for Betsy Ross and that totally goes along with the patriotic theme of the runner!


  130. I like Zoe (pronounced Zo-ee). Zippy Zoe. It's the purple ya' know!

    I really like your table runner. It looks very well made.


  131. Love the flower power purse! Name...how about Gnancy? (silent g...as in gnome...of course)

  132. i think you call the machine jurgen. i don't really know why. and i love that first bag!

  133. Hi, my name is Sara and I live in New Hampshire...

    I think you should name your machine "Waltzing Matilda" - because she just waltzes through making all your beautiful projects...

    I love the black and white bag...

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  134. My favorite it the Flower Power purse....so cute!! I think Blanche would be a good name for your machine. (it is white)

  135. I love the flower and argyle purse!!

  136. Hi I am Myra from Ohio. I would pick the Flower Power Purse. Very Cute!

    The name I am going to suggest is in honor of the woman who taught me about sewing. She made the quilt on my bed. She is my grandmother and she passed away last month. Ruby was her name.

  137. Hello, Julie from California here. I am thinking "Gertie". It popped in my head & is now stuck there. Please name her & remove it!

    All three prizes are great, but I would choose the Flower Power purse. Very cute. Thanks for the fun drawing.

  138. Firstly I would name your best friend (sewing machine ) Mauvy, for the touches of mauve on her body ! I love the flower power bag, I also love the black and white and red all over bag. If I won your giveaway, it wouldn't really matter and I hate choosing !!!

  139. Hi! I'm Dacia from Washington. they are all so lovely... I think first I would choose black, white and red all over bag, then flower power, then table runner. very beautiful work. as for the name... miss tatt... I'm not sure why, maybe because sometimes that is the quiet sound that the needle makes as you are sewing in quietness tatt, tatt, tatt...

  140. I'm Trina from UT. Love your offerings, but my favorite is the runner.

    For some reason, the name Fifi seems to fit your machine.

    utahraptors at zookee dot org

  141. I'm Sharon - currently between states but my hometown is Hawaii! If I win I would love the table runner! As far as a name for your maching, "Miss Thang" came to mind. :)

  142. Hi! I am Sue from FL! I think that your machine looks like a "Babe"...don't know why, but I can see you sitting there sewing and saying, "Come on now, Babe, let's get this thing made!" I love the black and white purse and the coin purse! Thanks for participating in the May Give Away.

  143. Hello~ I am Becki from Michigan. I love love LOVE the flower power purse. Too cute! Naming your machine will be a hard one as each seem to have their own personality. :o) We named a van Beulah once because it was so trusty. How about Bernice?

  144. Hi! I am Thea in Colorado.
    I love the Flower Power Purse!!
    I think a great name for your sewing machine would be


  145. Oh No, I can't decide between the purse or the bag and purse set thay are all so beautiful. But if I win I will have to make a decision in the end wont I LOL

    As for the names, I have never named anything that wasn't alive before, I have given them genders but that is as far as it went. My mum however named her van Gertrude, I think it is a cool name, I think your machine is definitely a Gertrude!!! (apologies if it has already been mentioned)

    Goodluck deciding :D
    x Mel

  146. I'm Ruth from OK, and I like the black and white purse set. The name---Bob. It's short and easy, and so endearing.

  147. I love #3!

    See, I like the name Ruby...

  148. WOW! - What a great giveaway - Thanks! I like the flower power purse and I think you should name her Esmeralda...

  149. Hi from Wellington New Zealand where I also name cars, sewing machines and the like. What about the name Pearlas in Pearls a Singer (the song) or a Bernina!
    Thanks lyndy(at)pulsehr(dot)co(dot)nz

  150. I'm Leigh from Wisconsin. Hi! I think the machine's name is Armando. You can be mysterious and tell people you spend your evenings and weekends with Armando. You have to roll the R... Arrrmanndooo. :D I love the flower power purse!

  151. I'm em, pleased to meet you. I live in Colorado and love it here. I love the Flower Power purse, the fabrics make me feel happy.

    I don't know why, but the name Bonnie bounced into my head. Seems like a pretty nice name for a sewing machine.

  152. Hey there. I just love the Flower Power purse! Very nice =)

    What about "Atomic Betty" as a name for your sewing machine? ;-)

    Kay, from Austria.

  153. Hello, I'm Amy technically from Canada but living in Taiwan.
    I'd like to suggest the name Wanda for your sewing machine. You can even call her Miss Wanda if you like formal titles. :)
    I really like the black white and red all over bag. Thanks for the giveaway.

  154. I love the flower bag, I'm in Florida, and I think your machine should be Simon.

  155. I love the patriotic table runner- SO CUTE!!! I think your machines name should be Sally.

  156. Maggie Grace. A nice crafty old fashioned name (that just happens to belong to my grnadmother who sews like a maniac!)

    If you decide to give your machine this name with over 60 years of sewing expertise behind it, i'd like the flower power bag :)

  157. I love the flower power purse. My suggestion for a name is Sew Sally.

  158. Hhhmmm, how about Sewphy? And I love the first bag !

  159. I personally think the name "Thor" is perfect for a sewing machine. And I love the table runner :)

  160. That is sooo funny. My parents gave me my first solely owned sewing machine when I graduated from college . . . I hauled that thing all over the country because I was a college recruiter with alot of long lonely nights in hotels. I too bonded with it. Sincely I love your second bag . . . I think you should name your bag making machine 'BagLee' either that or Duke.
    Marsha Cadillac Michigan

  161. My name is Karin and although I am from CA I am currently living in the Dominican Republic with my husband and 2-year old. Don't worry I have a US address. I LOVE the black and white bag! I am a novice at making bags and would love to work up to something like what you are doing.

    AND, for what it's worth...Bertie is what I would name her!

  162. I love the patriotic runner.

    A name for your machine.... hmmmm. How about Sewing Sally?

  163. I like the flower power purse the best! I see that I'm right there with lots of commenters. Oh...I'm Jennifer and I'm from Georgia. A name...well...My first thought was Bessie, but I think she might need a more up to date and fun name...so...how about Ellie...or even Ellie May...well, maybe that's not so updated...but fun.

  164. Hello hello! I am from NW Indiana and like the flower power purse the best. You bring up a good point - i just got my first sewing machine and it doesnt have a name either! (I like to name everything;). Ill have to figure that out once we bond some more and I get to know its personality! Hah. As for yours..."Smithy" perhaps? It is a good strong worker bee name.

  165. Oh my gosh I LOVE that table runner what a great job you did, that sewing machine should have a really good name after that kind of work, I was going to say Betty Sue but I think someone already said Betty, sooo my second chioce would be hmm...heck you can just name it after me "Sophie" this way when ever you look at it you can think smiley thoughts of the lady doing the happy dance 'cause she won the really awesome table runner hehe.

  166. The flower Power Purse is awesome! They all are really wonderful and I'm trying so hard to think of a name for your sewing machine but I'm stumped! In fact, I have the exact same machine and have been thinking about naming "her" for a while now and can't seem to think of anything. I have to say I'm a huge fan of the name Ella right now, but it's gotten pretty popular in the baby girl world right now... so maybe it's good for a sewing machine? I know having a pretty name for my sewing machine would maybe keep me from swearing at her as often....

  167. Hello! I am Jennifer from Utah. Your work is beautiful! My vote for a name would be Lucy. Loveable, fun and creative.
    My favorite is your FlowerPower Purse! Beautiful fabric choices. Thank you for sharing.

  168. hey, kathy from portland oregon here! thanks for the giveaway! I love that flower power purse-but the table runner is a close second! As for your machine, how about "CC" for constant companion?

  169. Flower Power for me - great work!!! The b/w/r purse is gorgeous too!

    Nice work and nice blog!

    catherine s.

  170. I love the Flower Power Bag! Lovely work!
    I suggest Darcy for your sewing machine, I don't know why but she looks like Darcy is the name for her. I also name things!
    Thank you for the great giveaway and the chance to win!

  171. I love the flower power tote the best, but the patriotic runner is quite cute as well. I named my machine (22 years and counting) "Joy" because that is what she brings me (when the tension is not acting up) There is no better name for a sewing machine!

  172. I like the table runner, but you could surprise me if I won.
    I like the name Sewlsister, like soul sister.......or sewlstress (I know I'm corny!)

  173. I think that you should name her after your mother after all she the one who started this new found additction you have! I'd like the red black and white all over bag.

  174. I think Gertie is the best name ever. Sounds kind of old and reliable, but also friendly. If my machine were named Gertie, I'd be happy to saddle up next to her and chat as we sewed away.

    And I love that flower purse! Please, please, can the stars align so I can be picked?

  175. Hey. I'm Renee' from Rabun Gap, GA - tiny town almost to NC.

    I think your machine seems like a Mae. Old fashioned but beautiful.

  176. I like the name Ella Mae for the sewing machine. I'm Erica from metro-Detroit MI. I love naming things. I would love to have the patriotic table runner.

  177. Your posts have been so enjoyable to read through! I've definitely become a new follower. I think that cute little worker bee should be named Little Miss Sunshine - for the enjoyment you get using her and the joy you bring others looking at your creations! I would love the runner - I'm big on my red/white & blues with a son in the Navy; I just realized how naked my table must feel seeing it!

  178. I love the Flower Power Purse

    My name is Ginny, live in Michigan & think your sewing machine should be named Susie

  179. As stated above, my name is Amber from Texas and I love all three of your giveways; if I have to choose I would pick the runner because I need to start collecting patriotic decorations!

    I think you should name your machine Needles---like the guy from Back to the Future--- what are you, chicken! :)

    Thanks for sharing your amazing talent and visit my blog if I win!

  180. I love naming things! I'm thinking Gianni! I'm Jaclyn from Alberta! I like the Black White and Red All Over Purse!

  181. Tina Mackey
    South Carolina
    Flower Power purse rocks!
    The machine should be named Buddy
    My new minivan is named Sirvel because when we got it my son had a hard time saying that it was silver and he called it sirvel. How cute is that?

  182. Hi I am Barbara from Wyoming.
    I like the name Miss Lizzy for your sewing machine, I think your machine is a girl and I just think Lizzy is a good sturdy name for a friend that will be around for many many years.

    I would love your patriotic table runner, it is beautiful and this is a wonderful patriotic time of year.

    I hope you love, love, love sewing on your new machine :)

  183. I love the flower power purse. It is calling my name. Hi- My name is Bethany. I am from Salem, Oregon (where the weather is nice for sewing!!!). I think that you should name your machine.....sassy!!! (I say that because every once and a while mine gives me sas!!)

  184. I'm from Park Ridge, IL. I think you should name your machine Isabella, after the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum in Boston. Since, you first used the machine in Boston, you create art with it, and sewing can be a very vintage and beautiful thing, and I think Isabella falls into the vintage and beautiful category.

    I can't wait to see what you choose!

  185. Wow! I'm not the only one who names things! My car is Rosie, my computer is Valerie, I am Mandi. And, you've made me realize that my sewing machine is also unnamed. This must be rectified!

    For your machine, I suggest Gilbert. Why? Because that name came to me. Perhaps it's all of the Giveaway-ing I've been doing. Maybe it's the late hour. Who knows. But, Gilbert. Said with a Spanish accent.

    And, I love the purses! Particularly the fleur de lis since I live in New Orleans.

  186. I love the Flower Power purse and I would name your sewing machine Lola. Well, that's MY sewing machine's name . . . so how about Lucy?

  187. Louisa from Portland, OR. Flower power purse. Celia for the name.... don't know where that came from but that's the name I heard when I read your post.

  188. I love the black white and red number it's excellent!
    Hmmm it's hard to name a machine, but how about "Snow White" as it ties in with the Gnome (dwarf)thing a bit. PLUS in the story her mother was sewing by a window and when her finger was pricked by the needle, the blood dripped on the snow. She asked for a daughter with lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony and skin white as snow.

  189. Love, love, love the flower Power purse.

    How about Marlin for your machine, as in he magically transforms a plain piece of fabric into something spectacular ;-)

    Thanks for the chance to win

  190. I like the black and white and red all over.
    A name for the machine, Jenny, it's such a dependable and loyal name.

  191. Cute stuff! I would name our sewing machine Madame Stitches.

  192. Hi, I am loving black white and red all over! I think you should can your machine Miss Mittsy. Cute, yet hih. Able to be cool and funky. Willing to be a little playful but serious should you ask her to...kind and generous as the need arises....

    Have fun!

  193. Is it too late--are you up?!
    I like the flower power even if it is too late.
    I'm brain dead--but you are the 2nd post i've read today mentioning naming your sewing machine--I feel inspired to do the same--and I just might name my kitchenaid mixer , too--
    So-- A name for your machine--I think a Scandinavian name would be good--like, Ingrid, or Ilsa, or hard-working like Hazel or Edith.
    or fun like Pippi. My sister is hard working and I never had another daughter to name after her--so I could name mine Candace Jeanne :)
    btw I like your blog

  194. My name is Karen and I am from CT. My favorite is the black/white/red bag set.

    How about Penelope for your sewing machine?

  195. My name is Karen and I live in Nebraska. I love, love, love the flower power bag! So cute! I think a good name for a machine is Maggie. not sure why, but...
