Wednesday, December 19, 2012

May the Force Be With You...

Mr. Gnomemade and I have been very lucky to develop some great friendship with my co-workers.  We call them and their spouses very close friends.  One couple - whom we've known for over four years now - a great people with some very big passions - Star Wars for him and Wizard of Oz for her.  They welcomed their first child into the world in August 2011, so when it came time to celebrate her first birthday, I wanted something fun.  Cue a web search and the wonderful find of these Star Wars finger puppets!  It was a no-brainer that I needed to purchase the pattern and make them!
I think it actually took me longer to find the right color felt (especially for C3PO and Yoda's face) than it did to make them.  Granted I did burn myself with the hot glue gun a couple of times, but well worth it in the end.

Overall, I think they were a hit.  Dad seemed to love them...while the birthday girl was more interested in the tissue paper.
They may be a little old for her, but hopefully she'll grow into them and they're a good way for dad and her to share one of his greatest passions!
And if nothing else...who wouldn't want to put on a Darth Vader finger puppet and say..."Luke...I am your father."

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